That’s Reward Enough For Me…

MomandDadOn Thursday my beautiful wife and I turn 62. Yes, we were born the very same day, January 15, 1953.

In the book I HEARD THE OWL CALL MY NAME, there is a scene where an old Indian woman is looking out her window, thinking about a young priest who has just died. This young man of God had served her people well. Knowing that he was dying, the priest showed great faith and courage to the end. She whispers to herself:

“Walk straight on, my son,
and don’t look back.
You are going to the Land
of your Lord.”

I find myself thinking these words often of late, especially as I click off one more year of life. Like most of you, I don’t want to leave my present post, but I’m convinced that my life, in its fullest sense, will go on. Consciousness never ceases. I do believe those things I have preached for over 40 years.

I remember a story of a British soldier who lost both of his legs in the Crimean War. One day Queen Victoria invited several war heroes to appear before her to receive their medals. As an officer of the crown was pinning the awards on the soldiers, the queen noticed the legless man lying thin and white on a stretcher. She insisted on honoring him personally.

Bending over the man, she exclaimed with affection and admiration, “My brave soldier, my wonderfully brave soldier.” Then tears fell from her eyes as she was overcome with emotion.

From that day forward the veteran never mentioned his medals. Instead he said, “I’ve looked into the face of the queen. That’s reward enough for me.”

I have no idea how many more birthdays I will celebrate on this good earth. But it really doesn’t matter. When I look into the face of Jesus, I, like this brave soldier, will say, “That’s reward enough for me.”

Richard Hipps



  1. Odair Rocha says:

    Fico feliz por suas vidas, presente de Deus para muitas pessoas. Que o Senhor permita muitos anos a mais de serviço nessa terra.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, dear brother and sister-in-law!!! And your article touches my heart and gives me another sweet nugget of peace, anticipation, and warm assurance about Heaven 🙂

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