As we journey through the various seasons of life, growing older often brings a unique...
As we journey through the various seasons of life, growing older often brings a unique...
As we stand on the threshold of this new year, there’s a palpable sense of anticipatio...
Life is a series of choices, and the decisions we make have a profound impact on our j...
The Roman census was bad news, but in the midst of such bad news, an angel appeared to a lowl...
In his wonderful little book Surprised By God: How And Why What We Think About The Divine Mat...
I read a blog recently where the writer says she picks a word every year on which to focus, o...
Marie Kondo’s book, THE LIFE-CHANGING MAGIC OF TIDYING UP, can change the way you exper...
As hard as it is to believe, Patricia and I just got our Medicare cards. As some of you know,...
Are children more aware of their surroundings than adults? According to Alison Gopnik, author...
“If you have two coats, one of them belongs to the poor” — Dorothy Day John...