“Are You Speaking to Me?”

thankful_A man had the job of transporting people who had been committed to a mental hospital. After he had delivered a patient one day, he was walking to his car when a voice yelled, “Hey you!” Looking up he saw a man looking through the bars of his window.

“Are you speaking to me?”, he yelled up. “Yes,” came the reply. “I want to ask you something. Have you ever thanked God for a healthy mind?” The question stunned the man. He had been transporting patients to this hospital for 15 years and had never once thought to thank God for a sound mind.

Between now and Thanksgiving Day, think of something for which you’ve never thanked God. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you as you ponder this question. Repeat this man’s story to your family and friends on Thursday and then go around the table and encourage each person to think of something for which they have never thanked God.

And, before I forget, I am thankful for each and every one of you. So glad you are a part of my story.



1 Comment

  1. Trees! I’ve never thanked God for trees. They beautify the earth, produce oxygen, and make a lovely sound when the wind blows through them on a summer evening. Collectively, they make forests, which are like walking through a living cathedral. The wood they produce makes things we also take for granted, like tables and chairs and cabinetry and pool cues. Wood is used to make guitars and other musical instruments, which leads us to be thankful for music, and our hearing. Thanks God for trees!

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